Posts in: 1月, 2017

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The techniques used in gift wrapping eventually gave rise to the sophisticated craft “origami”. Wrapping gifts has been a very common custom in Japan since Kamakura Period (1185 to 1333). When money or goods are handed, they are usually wrapped in paper or put in an envelope. It is etiquette to put money in an envelope when it is personally handed to someone. In case of handing money without wrapping in a paper or putting in an envelope, Japanese people do not forget to add the comments “sorry to be rude” or “sorry that my money is naked (meaning money is not wrapped)” In these days, wrapping has been simplified as it is realised that saving paper is needed. However, for Read More

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What comes to your mind when you hear the word “ORIGAMI”? Folded paper cranes? Colourful Washi paper? Origami is the traditional Japanese art of folding a sheet of paper into various shapes such as birds, animals and many other things without using scissors or glue. For centuries, origami has been a favourite leisure activity for people throughout Japan.

Ceremonial origami and entertainment origami

Origami can be categorised into two parts, ceremonial origami which is used in the ritual and the other is entertainment origami. The folding of paper firstly developed as decorations related to religion and ceremonies. In Kamakura Period (1185 to 1333), it becomes a custom to exchange gifts among samurai warriors. These gifts are wrapped with a paper or offered with a Read More