Washi Paper, the World Intangible Cultural Heritage
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In 2014, 3 types of Japanese Washi papers, Sekishubanshi (石州半紙), Honminoshi (本美濃紙) and Hosokawashi (細川紙) were registered as Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.

Washi is Japanese traditional handmade paper which is designated as one of the intangible cultural assets. Washi has a long history in Japan. The Shosoin (National Treasure House) in Nara has a 1200-year-old book in which every page is cut from a different washi. As washi is generally long-lasting and strong, it is used for official documents, important papers and money. In Edo period (1603-1868), production volume of washi paper has been increased and origami for entertainment became more familiar to adults first of all and then children.


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